"openapi: 3.0.1\ninfo:\n title: Motorcycle Takaful\n # description: API documentation for Motor Takaful\n description: Protection for you and your vehicle\n termsOfService: http://sandbox.takaful-ikhlas.com.my\n contact:\n email: digital@mnrb.com.my\n version: 1.0.0\n logoUrl: assets/images/catalog-icon/vectorPa.svg\nservers:\n- url: https://sandbox.takaful-ikhlas.com.my/api/v1/motor\n- url: https://go.takaful-ikhlas.com.my/api/v1/motor\ntags:\n- name: Motor API Engine\n description: Motor API Engine separated to individual services\n- name: Renewal\n description: Renewal List for Motor\n- name: Quotations\n description: Quotations Motor API\n- name: Cover Note\n description: Issue Cover Note\n- name: References\n description: Motor References API\npaths:\n /agency/ism:\n get:\n tags:\n - Motor API Engine\n summary: Get ISM data \n description: Get ISM Data for VIX and NCD based on \"newic\"/ \"passport\"/ \"oldic\"/ \"bizregno\" and registration vehicle number.\n parameters:\n - in: query\n name: regno\n schema:\n type: string\n description: Vehicle registration number\n example: WA656D\n - in: query\n name: newic\n schema:\n type: string\n description: NRIC number\n example: \"700129115077\"\n - in: query\n name: postcode\n schema:\n type: string\n description: Postcode\n example: \"43200\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /engine/contribution:\n post:\n tags:\n - Motor API Engine\n summary: Get motor contribution\n requestBody:\n description: Get motor contribution\n content: \n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: '#/components/schemas/contribution'\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: \n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: '#/components/schemas/contributionRes'\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /agency/quotation:\n get:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Get generated quotations\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /agency/partner/quotation:\n post:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Generate quotation\n requestBody:\n description: Quotation details\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/components/schemas/quotation-post\"\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /agency/quotation/{qtId}:\n get:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Get quotation by quotation ID\n parameters:\n - name: qtId\n in: path\n description: Quotation ID\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n put:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Update quotation details\n parameters:\n - name: qtId\n in: path\n description: Quotation ID\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n description: Update quotation details\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/components/schemas/quotation-put\"\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /agency/quotation/accept/{qtId}:\n put:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Accept quotation (finalized before issue cover note)\n parameters:\n - name: qtId\n in: path\n description: Quotation ID\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string \n requestBody:\n description: Update quotation details\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/components/schemas/accept\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /agency/quotation/reject/{qtId}:\n put:\n tags:\n - Quotations\n summary: Reject quotation\n parameters:\n - name: qtId\n in: path\n description: Quotation ID\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n requestBody:\n description: Update quotation details\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/components/schemas/reject\"\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\n /renewal:\n get:\n tags:\n - Renewal\n summary: Get renewals list\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n /covernote/{qtId}:\n post:\n tags:\n - Cover Note\n summary: Issue cover note by quotation id\n parameters:\n - name: qtId\n in: path\n description: Quotation ID\n required: true\n schema:\n type: string\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n /refs/marketValue:\n post:\n tags:\n - References\n summary: Get market values if new variants is selected\n requestBody:\n description: Market Value post body\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: \"#/components/schemas/market-value\"\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n /engine/jpj-list:\n post:\n tags:\n - References\n summary: Get JPJ status list\n requestBody:\n description: Get JPJ List\n content:\n application/json:\n schema:\n $ref: '#/components/schemas/jpj-list'\n required: true\n responses:\n 200:\n description: Success\n content: {}\n 401:\n description: No API key found in request\n content: {}\n security:\n - api_key: []\n x-codegen-request-body-name: body\ncomponents:\n schemas:\n ism:\n type: object\n properties:\n newic:\n type: string\n regno:\n type: string\n example:\n regno: \"TAQ1223\"\n newic: \"820912115518\"\n accept:\n type: object\n properties:\n aqad:\n type: bool\n consent:\n type: bool\n example:\n aqad: true\n consent: false\n reject:\n type: object\n properties:\n reason:\n type: string\n example:\n reason: \"too expensive\"\n market-value:\n type: object\n properties:\n newic:\n type: string\n regno:\n type: string\n nvic:\n type: string\n covercode:\n type: string\n vehicleType:\n type: string\n example:\n regno: \"TAQ1223\"\n newic: \"820912115518\"\n nvic: \"GHG07A\"\n covercode: \"COMP\"\n vehicleType: \"MTCYC\"\n quotation-post:\n type: object\n properties:\n quotation:\n type: object\n properties:\n ismResponse:\n type: object\n marketValue:\n type: object\n flasBody:\n type: object\n flasContribution:\n type: object\n example:\n quotation: \n ismResponse: {\n \"NVIC\": \"GHF07A\",\n \"agentcode\": \"GI00026\",\n \"arrResExtraParam\": {\n \"item\": [\n {\n \"indicator\": \"insmakecode\",\n \"remark\": \"\",\n \"value\": 33\n },\n {\n \"indicator\": \"insmodelcode\",\n \"remark\": \"\",\n \"value\": 399\n }\n ]\n },\n \"chassisno\": \"PM2M301S002164593\",\n \"compcode\": \"A1\",\n \"covercode\": 1,\n \"engineno\": \"E61A70U\",\n \"expirydate\": \"29/09/2022\",\n \"ismmakecode\": 33,\n \"ismmodelcode\": 6,\n \"ismncdrespcode\": \"\",\n \"makeyear\": 2007,\n \"ncdperc\": 55,\n \"requestId\": 1,\n \"respcode\": 1,\n \"respdatetime\": \"2022-09-14\",\n \"respdesc\": \"\",\n \"vehRegNo\": \"TAQ1223\",\n \"vehcapacity\": 1298,\n \"vehtypecode\": \"PRCAR\",\n \"vehusecode\": 1\n }\n marketValue: {\n \"NVIC\": \"GHF07A\",\n \"agentcode\": \"GI00026\",\n \"compcode\": \"A1\",\n \"ismmarketvalue\": 12400,\n \"maxavscamt\": 14000,\n \"minavscamt\": 14000,\n \"requestId\": 1,\n \"respcode\": 1,\n \"respdatetime\": \"2022-09-14 14:41:47.399\",\n \"respdesc\": \"\",\n \"vehRegNo\": \"TAQ1223\",\n \"minMarketValue\": 11200,\n \"maxMarketValue\": 13900,\n \"minAgreedValue\": 14000,\n \"maxAgreedValue\": 14000\n }\n flasBody: {\n \"agentcode\": \"GI00026\",\n \"regno\": \"TAQ1223\",\n \"purpose\": \"RN\",\n \"effectivedate\": \"2022-09-30\",\n \"expirydate\": \"2023-09-29\",\n \"ncdperc\": \"55\",\n \"suminsured\": \"14000\",\n \"vehtypecode\": \"PRCAR\",\n \"covercode\": \"COMP\",\n \"usecode\": \"01\",\n \"name\": \"ROHAFESZAL BINTI ABDUL WAHAB\",\n \"newic\": \"820912115518\",\n \"hphoneno\": \"199136607\",\n \"email\": \"mohamad.kamal@mnrb.com.my\",\n \"birthdate\": \"1982-09-12\",\n \"gender\": \"F\",\n \"address1\": \"2008-1, KAMPUNG DARAT KIJAL,\",\n \"address2\": \"KIJAL KEMAMAN, TERENGGANU\",\n \"address3\": \"\",\n \"postcode\": \"24100\",\n \"driveexp\": \"22\",\n \"engineno\": \"E61A70U\",\n \"chassisno\": \"PM2M301S002164593\",\n \"makecodemajor\": \"33\",\n 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\"servicetaxperc\": 6,\n \"stampduty\": 10,\n \"statecode\": \"T\",\n \"suminsured\": 14000,\n \"tariffpremium\": 742.38,\n \"theftclaim\": 0,\n \"thirdclaim\": 0,\n \"towndesc\": \"\",\n \"trailerno\": \"\",\n \"usecode\": 1,\n \"vehbody\": \"\",\n \"vehbodycode\": 32,\n \"vehcapacity\": 1298,\n \"vehcapacitycode\": \"CC\",\n \"vehclaim\": 0,\n \"vehtypecode\": \"PRCAR\",\n \"winclaim\": 0\n }\n quotation-put:\n type: object\n properties:\n name:\n type: string\n email:\n type: string\n hphoneno:\n type: string\n address1:\n type: string\n address2:\n type: string\n address3:\n type: string\n postcode:\n type: string\n driveexp:\n type: string\n covercode:\n type: string\n vehtypecode:\n type: string\n usecode:\n type: string\n suminsured:\n type: string\n effectivedate:\n type: string\n ncdperc:\n type: string\n engineno:\n type: string\n chassisno:\n type: string\n makecodemajor:\n type: string\n makecodeminor:\n type: string\n makeyear:\n type: string\n seatcapacity:\n type: string\n vehcapacity:\n type: string\n addbendata:\n type: object\n properties:\n item:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties: \n bencode:\n type: string\n suminsured:\n type: string\n unit:\n type: string\n adddrvdata:\n type: object\n properties:\n item:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties: \n name:\n type: string\n icnumber:\n type: string\n commiperc:\n type: string\n discountperc:\n type: string\n example:\n hphoneno: \"01987654321\"\n email: \"email@gmail.com\"\n contribution:\n type: object\n required:\n - agentcode\n - newic\n - regno\n - makecodemajor\n - makecodeminor\n - makeyear\n - engineno\n - chassisno\n - usecode\n - covercode\n - vehtypecode\n - name\n - birthdate\n - gender\n - address1\n - postcode\n - suminsured\n properties:\n agentcode:\n type: string\n newic:\n type: string\n regno:\n type: string\n purpose:\n type: string\n makecodemajor:\n type: string\n makecodeminor:\n type: string\n makeyear:\n type: string\n engineno:\n type: string\n chassisno:\n type: string\n vehcapacity:\n type: string\n ncdperc:\n type: string\n usecode:\n type: string\n covercode:\n type: string\n vehtypecode:\n type: string\n name:\n type: string\n hphoneno:\n type: string\n email:\n type: string\n birthdate:\n type: string\n gender:\n type: string\n address1:\n type: string\n address2:\n type: string\n address3:\n type: string\n postcode:\n type: string\n driveexp:\n type: string\n commiperc:\n type: string\n discountperc:\n type: string\n addbendata:\n type: object\n properties:\n item:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties: \n bencode:\n type: string\n suminsured:\n type: string\n unit:\n type: string\n adddrvdata:\n type: object\n properties:\n item:\n type: array\n items:\n type: object\n properties: \n name:\n type: string\n icnumber:\n type: string\n seatcapacity:\n type: string\n suminsured:\n type: string\n example:\n regno: \"JHG3966\"\n purpose: \"NB\"\n usecode: \"01\"\n covercode: \"COMP\"\n vehtypecode: \"PCPLS\"\n suminsured: \"8000\"\n name: \"John Cena\"\n newic: \"001007011509\"\n hphoneno: \"0123456789\"\n email: \"email@domain.com\"\n birthdate: \"2000-10-07\"\n gender: \"M\"\n address1: \"B-1-1 Pangsapuri Seri Kayan\"\n address2: \"\"\n address3: \"\"\n postcode: \"59000\"\n driveexp: \"5\"\n makecodemajor: \"33\"\n makecodeminor: \"11\"\n makeyear: \"2003\"\n engineno: \"B083964\"\n chassisno: \"PM2L701S002083531\"\n vehcapacity: \"989\"\n seatcapacity: \"5\"\n ncdperc: \"55\"\n commiperc: \"10\"\n discountperc: \"0\"\n addbendata:\n item:\n - bencode: \"PA30W\"\n - bencode: \"W/S\"\n suminsured: \"400\"\n - bencode: \"AND\"\n unit: \"1\"\n adddrvdata:\n item:\n - name: \"complimentary driver\"\n icnumber: \"900101010001\"\n - name: \"first additional driver\"\n icnumber: \"900101010002\"\n contributionRes:\n type: object\n example:\n code: 200\n message: \"Success\"\n data: \n actprem: 182.64\n addbendata:\n item:\n - bencode: \"PA30W\"\n bendesc: \"\"\n benpremium: 280\n cewcommperc: 0\n cewstampduty: 0\n nominame: \"\"\n nominewic: \"\"\n suminsured: 0\n unit: 0\n - bencode: \"W/S\"\n bendesc: \"\"\n benpremium: 60\n cewcommperc: 0\n cewstampduty: 0\n nominame: \"\"\n nominewic: \"\"\n suminsured: 400\n unit: 0\n - bencode: \"AND\"\n bendesc: \"\"\n benpremium: 0\n cewcommperc: 0\n cewstampduty: 0\n nominame: \"\"\n nominewic: \"\"\n suminsured: 0\n unit: 2\n \"adddrvdata\": {\n \"item\": [\n {\n \"drvage\": 0,\n \"drvdob\": \"\",\n \"drvexp\": 0,\n \"drvgender\": \"\",\n \"drvmarital\": \"\",\n \"drvoccup\": \"\",\n \"drvrel\": \"\",\n \"icnumber\": 900101010001,\n \"index\": 0,\n \"name\": \"complimentary driver\",\n \"oicnumber\": \"\"\n },\n {\n \"drvage\": 0,\n \"drvdob\": \"\",\n \"drvexp\": 0,\n \"drvgender\": \"\",\n \"drvmarital\": \"\",\n \"drvoccup\": \"\",\n \"drvrel\": \"\",\n \"icnumber\": 900101010002,\n \"index\": 0,\n \"name\": \"first additional driver\",\n \"oicnumber\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n }\n \"address1\": \".\"\n \"address2\": \"\"\n \"address3\": \"\"\n \"agentcode\": \"GTX000009\"\n \"agtgstregdate\": \"\"\n \"agtgstregno\": \"\"\n \"antitd\": 12\n \"birthdate\": \"2000-10-07\"\n \"bizregno\": \"\"\n \"channel\": \"TIB\"\n \"chassisno\": \"PM2L701S002083531\"\n \"claimamt\": 0\n \"commgstamt\": 0\n \"commiamt\": 74.21\n \"commiperc\": 10\n \"compcode\": \"A1\"\n \"country\": \"\"\n \"covercode\": \"COMP\"\n \"discount\": 0\n \"discountamt\": 0\n \"discountperc\": 0\n \"driveexp\": 5\n \"effectivedate\": \"\"\n \"effectivetime\": \"\"\n \"email\": \".\"\n \"engineno\": \"B083964\"\n \"excess\": 0\n \"expirydate\": \"\"\n \"flquoteno\": \"578018202201281413AUTO\"\n \"garage\": 3\n \"gender\": \"M\"\n \"grossdue\": 806.63\n \"grossdue2\": 806.63\n \"grossprem\": 752.1\n \"gstamt\": 0\n \"gstclaimperc\": 0\n \"gstcode\": \"\"\n \"gstoverwrite\": \"N\"\n \"gstperc\": 0\n \"gstpurpose\": \"\"\n \"gstreg\": \"\"\n \"gstregdate\": \"\"\n \"gstregdateend\": \"\"\n \"gstregno\": \"\"\n \"hpcode\": \"\"\n \"hphoneno\": 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apiKey\n name: apikey\n in: header"